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187: Immunopalooza, Dr. Andrea Nazarenko and your GUT

During crazy times when people don’t know what’s really going on, the best thing to do is to focus on what you can control in your life and health.  We both agree that health is an inside out job and that the only thing that heals is the body itself.  To that point, it’s best to arm yourself with GOOD physical, chemical, and emotional health as your best offense against any intruder… aka pathogen to the body.

Our guest today is Dr. Andrea Nazarenko PhD and here’s a little about her!

Dr. Andrea Nazarenko is the co-owner at Old Mill Chiropractic & Family Wellness. She obtained her PhD in Clinical-Community Psychology, with a concentration in quantitative methods, from University of South Carolina (USC), as well as Masters Degrees in Psychology in Education (Columbia University, NY), Clinical-Community Psychology (USC), and Applied Statistics (USC). As a community and quantitative psychologist,  her background is in the study of the how maladaptive and antisocial behaviors develop, particularly among serious and violent youth offenders; and in the development of statistical models that help us answer complex questions, such as why people respond differently to the same treatment or why people exposed to similar risks turn out differently. Her current work focuses on helping organizations, mostly healthcare systems and governmental agencies, implement new practices and policies with quality. She is discouraged by the mediocracy of behavioral and physical health services in this country and worldwide and develops systems to bridge the gap between what we know in research and how we implement it in practice. The goal is to improve quality to improve outcomes. Her current projects include working with the Ministries of Health in Thailand to implement a physical activity intervention to improve health among dementia patients, working with the Commissioner of Health in Nigeria to improve the quality of maternal care for babies with Sickle Cell Disease, and participates in a national consortium to improve the quality of care provided to adolescents and adults with Sickle Cell Disease in the United States. She additionally conducts data analysis for the implementation of prevention programming in the United States Air Force and is the quantitative psychologist on a grant assessing how ready health centers are to screen for colorectal cancer. Above all, her heart is in the world of gentle parenting and spreading knowledge about the benefits of natural approaches to health. She is the biostatistical consultant to the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association and conducts research on the effectiveness of chiropractic with pediatric populations. Her passion lies in activating her community to live the best life possible, and her mission is to spread knowledge about natural healthcare and supporting the physical and emotional health of children.




Find her books and more here–> https://www.amazon.com/shop/lifestylelocker








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