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007: Breaking Normal and Bison Liver with Daniel Eisenman

What a great connection!!! I connected with Daniel Eisenman through social media and our mutual friend Dr. Jack Worlfson.  All I have to say is HOLY CRAP this guy is AMAZING, his story is amazing, and what he’s now doing in the natural health / supplement world is amazing.  I urge ALL of you to listen to both parts of the show, get some supplements, and in part 2 he may have some cool ways for you to get some FREE supplements.  

Here’s a little bit about Daniel:

Over the past decade, he has been hosting and facilitating epic retreats in some of the most beautiful places on Earth. He has picked at the golden threads and patterns of human interactions and noticed that so many people kept a lid on their genius, their joy, their growth. This was a self-imposed limitation that kept them in a prison of their own design.

Within Breaking Normal you’ll find your personal retreat experience in its most powerful, dynamic, and raw form. The practices and exercises are designed to help you reach deep into your very soul and claim your best dream for yourself and your family.

In Daniel’s book Breaking Normal, he simply shares what he does to ultimately create a safe place for fun, adventure, healing, and transformation. He invites you to sample what it means to be raw and vulnerable, excited, and glowing in the sacred knowledge that your future is whatever you imagine it to be.

Daniel is also started a supplement line that is in alignment with nature.  It’s called Tribe Vitamins. He is using what our ancestors used forever ago before there were supplements.  You will LOVE these supplemnts and he is chasing users success stories.  I personally hope to be one soon, not soley because we had him on our show, but because it’s in I’m in alignment with him and what the supplements are.  There are none others like it.  


Part 1


Connect with Daniel below:

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