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026: The Subconscious Rapid Transformation Technique with Patrick Wanis, PhD


Get ready to go on a deep dive with yourself.  Get a pen and paper out and get ready to start your Human Powered evolution from the inside out.  Patrick is a master in what he does and you’ll hear and see that in this episode.  
Here’s more about our guest today!

Patrick Wanis, PhD helps people rapidly change their behavior. As a Human Behavior & Relationship Expert, Wanis has developed SRTT therapy (Subconscious Rapid Transformation Technique) and is now teaching it to other practitioners. Wanis has helped people who have experienced trauma, relationship or family issues! Many therapists and psychologists come to Dr. Wanis to help them personally and they refer many clients to him as well. Wanis has also developed multiple online psychological and behavioral assessments on Emotional Intelligence, Empathy, Mindfulness, Relationship Breakups, Self-Defeating Behavior, Individual Core Values, and Authenticity. His clientele ranges from celebrities and CEOs to housewives and teenagers. CNN, BBC, FOX News, MSNBC & major news outlets worldwide consult Wanis for expert insights and analysis on relationships, sexuality, human motivation, trauma, communication, body language, and persuasion. Over five million people have read Wanis’ books in English and Spanish.

Part 1


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