A company dedicated to helping you unleash your human potential


027: Gratitude for YOU


Did you know that the highest energetic frequency is gratitude? Well… it is and I’m grateful for you for giving your valuable time to listen, watch, learn, and follow me and The Human Powered Life Podcast and the things that we do.  I’m grateful that you are willing to learn and to take action to be a better version of yourself.  I’m grateful for my family, friends, podcast guests and team at Lifestyle Locker and The New York Chiropractic Life Center.  I’m also grateful for the patients in our practice that put their healthcare in our hands and that are willing to learn that there is a healthier way to take care of yourself without the use of un-necessary drugs and surgery. 

About this episode: Since we are close to Thanksgiving, I wanted to make sure that I share how I feel for so many of the people that have impacted my life and those that myself, our podcast guests, and teams have been able to impact. This is just about sharing the love.

I have one ask for all of you that are reading this and listening.  Please share this episode or any episode with a friend, family, or anybody that you think may either enjoy the show or that someone you think may have the potential to improve their life. Here’s the way to do that.  Share this link: https://lifestylelocker.com/podcast/

Rememver 3 things when connecting on social media… Like, Comment, Share… THANK YOU!

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