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035: From Navy SEAL to Healer with Christopher Maher


Being a person who study’s natural health and wellbeing as well as someone who reads a ton of books on US Special Forces, this was an interview that that feels like I manifested it’s creation! Christopher is warrior for health and healing and I truly think you you will resonate with this conversation and you won’t believe his calmness on the interview.

Christopher Maher is a former Navy SEAL who endured intense amounts of physical, mental, and emotional stress as a child and during and after his military career. He has taught himself how to free his energy, body, mind and emotions from pain by developing the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of being. Christopher studied Traditional Chinese Medical Practices at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and at Yo San University, then continued his studies at The Universal Healing Tao System. He is a student of Grand Master Mantak Chia at the Universal Tao Master School in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and is currently pursuing his Master’s and Doctorate degrees in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Part 1


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