A company dedicated to helping you unleash your human potential


150: The Race To 100-10: 20-20-20 then more

A week of HIGH physical stress.  When I decided that I wanted to run 100 miles this week, I realized that that would mean an average of 20 miles a day for the 5 days of running.

I did 20 miles on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Saturday and Sunday were 10 and 12 miles.

I completed 82 proud and tough miles.  At first, I wanted to not DEAL with failing to reach the 100 for the week.  Then again… I JUST RAN 82 MILES!!!  The most I have ever run in a week, EVER!!!

So here’s to pushing yourself to the next level.  PUSHING hard to reach a goal that’s BIG and failing is better than setting the target to LOW and reaching it.

Thanks for following the RACE TO 100…







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