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009 LIfestyle Locker Radio: Dr. Eric Plasker

Dr. Plasker has been a mentor, a friend, a coach and now has become like family. His message it from his heart and needs to be heard by the people of this world.  When you get to his website and or Facebook, you'll see articles. Search through them and share them.

Dr. Plasker has been a mentor, a friend, a coach and now has become like family. His message it from his heart and needs to be heard by the people of this world.  When you get to his website and or Facebook, you’ll see articles. Search through them and share them.

Dr. Eric Plasker is an international best-selling author of the 100 year lifestyle and 100 year Lifestyle Workout. Dr. Plasker has trained over 6,000 doctors around the world on his methods and his Health and wellness messages reach millions each year. He has been a practicing chiropractor for 31 years. He’s been married to his amazing wife Lisa for 29 years (amazing photographer and chef). All three of their children are becoming chiropractors.

Connect with Dr. Eric Plasker
Website www.100YearLifestyle.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/100YearLifestyle/

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Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LifestyleLocker/
Instagram @DrjoshHandt
my Chiropractic Website is www.NewYorkChiropractic.com

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