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006: Keto Natural Pet Foods with Daniel Schulof

Well to start I know the podcast show is called the Human Powered Life podcast.  Today’s guest is someone that in a cool kind of way impacts peoples lives by impacting your pets lives.  

As a dog lover myself, I decided that having Daniel Schulof of KetoNatural Ped Foods would be a good idea.  Afterall, a healthy pet with less problems will be better for you mentally, physically, and financially.  

Here’s a little bit about Daniel:

He is the CEO and Founder of KetoNatural Pet Foods, which aspires to be the most substantive, honest, and progressive pet food company in the world. As an entrepreneur, activist, and science writer, Daniel has a focus on exposing the conflicts of interest, bad faith, and shoddy science responsible for the chronic disease epidemics killing millions of pets every year.

Part 1


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