A company dedicated to helping you unleash your human potential


261: 2021, health, immune system, COVID-19 vaccines

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Sponsored by 30/60/5 Program.  Be stronger than your excuses.  Get more info here->  https://bit.ly/30605health

This episode is a bunch of my thoughts and experiences over 2020 to 2021 on health, on COVID-19, on the lockdowns, on homeless people, on vaccines, and more. I do not give any medical advice during this episode, I will point you towards an amazing episode of thehighwire.com where Del Bigtree reviews science and literature in an interview between a pharmaceutical executive and the developer of the mRNA technology that is in the current COVID-19 vaccines.

This short episode will lead you to watch a three-hour episode of The Highwire that will open your mind to great things. One of my favorite parts about the Highwire is that it airs on a Thursday and the following Monday you have an email with all of the scientific research articles and news clippings that he shares during the show to reference to later.

Enjoy the show.  Let me know what you think.  Have a great day and stay connected.

“I’d like to invite you to the BiohackingCongress, Miami on Oct 16-17. 

You can get 50% OFF on Onside Tickets and Live Stream admissions with promo code: LIFESTYLELOCKER, at biohackingcongress.com.

It’s going to be a life-changing weekend with more than 25 famous speakers on Biohacking; and 20 Health companies – ecological products, digital health devices, and solutions for your health optimization

We’re happy to give you 100 free tickets to Live Stream for your family and friends.

Please use the code DRJOSHUAHANDT at the checkout or go to this link.

Listen HERE–> https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lifestyle-locker-radio-podcast/id1228731320

Sponsored by 30/60/5 Program.  Be stronger than your excuses.  Get more info here->  https://bit.ly/30605health

Check out products we like> https://www.amazon.com/shop/lifestylelocker








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