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018: Locker DAZE- Stand tall, live long, drive a Ferrari

Dr. Krista Burns, A Certified Postural Neurologist, Certified Posture Expert, Ph.D. in Global Health Policy, and Doctor of Chiropractic. She is the Co-founder of the American Posture Institute and has helped thousands of students in more than 35 countries worldwide. She is a highly sought after international speaker, speaking at conferences such as the World Congress of Neurology and the International Chronic Diseases Conference.

Dr. Krista Burns,

A Certified Postural Neurologist, Certified Posture Expert, Ph.D. in Global Health Policy, and Doctor of Chiropractic. She is the Co-founder of the American Posture Institute and has helped thousands of students in more than 35 countries worldwide. She is a highly sought after international speaker, speaking at conferences such as the World Congress of Neurology and the International Chronic Diseases Conference. As the author of the textbook, “The Posture Principles” her goal is to inspire audiences worldwide to understand the importance of posture. Posture is declining at the speed of technology; Dr. Krista provides modern day postural correction solutions to improve neurologic function and energy expenditure for increased productivity, and longevity of vitality.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmericanPostureInstitute/
Website: American Posture Institute 
Instagram: Dr.KristaBurns

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