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015: Organ meat, Sunshine, and Veggies w/ The Drs. Wolfson

Meet Drs Heather and Jack Wolfson. Heather Wolfson D.C. is a chiropractor who provides chiropractic and nutritional care to adults and children. She is married to Dr. Jack Wolfson, a cardiologist who embraced a holistic lifestyle and medical practice after meeting Dr. Heather. She is an incredible mom who home-birthed her two sons, Noah and Brody. Together, The Drs. Wolfson are raising their children in a holistic fashion through breast feeding, co-sleeping, chemical-free living, and natural immunity.

Meet Drs Heather and Jack Wolfson

Heather Wolfson D.C. is a chiropractor who provides chiropractic and nutritional care to adults and children. She is married to Dr. Jack Wolfson, a cardiologist who embraced a holistic lifestyle and medical practice after meeting Dr. Heather. She is an incredible mom who home-birthed her two sons, Noah and Brody. Together, The Drs. Wolfson are raising their children in a holistic fashion through breast feeding, co-sleeping, chemical-free living, and natural immunity. Dr. Heather is a native of Arizona, loves the outdoors, and is active in animal rights and environmental conservation.

Jack Wolfson D.O., F.A.C.C., is a board certified cardiologist who uses nutrition and supplements to prevent and treat disease.

After ten years performing angiograms, pacemakers, and other cardiac procedures, Dr. Wolfson started Wolfson Integrative Cardiology in 2012 to offer patients the ultimate in holistic heart care.

Raised in Chicago, he attended Midwestern University for his D.O. degree and completed a 3 year Internal Medicine residency and 3 year cardiology fellowship. He was selected as the chief fellow of his class.

Together with his wife, Dr. Heather Wolfson DC, they are The Drs. Wolfson. Their website TheDrsWolfson.com is an excellent resource for holistic health and lifestyle information. The Drs. Wolfson have two beautiful boys who were born at home, nursed for over 3 years, and they are still co-sleeping.

He is also the author Amazon Best Seller, The Paleo Cardiologist

Website- https://www.thedrswolfson.com/
Blog- https://www.thedrswolfson.com/blog/
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Shop- https://shop.thedrswolfson.com/

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