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25: Fit Body Boot Camp CEO Bryce Henson on fitness, health, and life


It’s really awesome to someone that finds their passion in life and then makes a life and a living out of that passion. Bryce Henson has done just that.  From athletic trainer to CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp in a short period of time, Bryce is impacting thousands of people directly and indrectly in the health and fitness world.  Whether you are an athletic trainer, a fitness fanatic, or someone that just wants to be a better, healthier, fitter human being, I belive this episode will resonate with you.

Here’s a little bit about our guest:

Bryce Henson is CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, the world’s fastest-growing fitness boot camp franchise. Having over 10+ years of experience in the fitness industry and owning 2 FBBC locations, his passion is spreading fitness to the world, in addition to mentoring fitness professionals on how to grow their businesses and change more lives in their local communities. Bryce also co-leads FBBC Mastermind Group, an exclusive coaching group for high-performing fitness professionals. Bryce Henson was born in Atlanta, Georgia, grew up in Michigan and has spent most of his adult life in California. He is a graduate of Michigan State University and speaks Brazilian Portuguese fluently, having lived in Florianopolis, Brazil. He holds citizenship in the United States and Portugal. He enjoys world travel and is a fitness expert, coach, author, and inspirational leader.

Part 1


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