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090: Tom Foxley on having your Mindset RX’d–>shifting your mind to shift your fitness and your life

Tom Foxley works with functional athletes on their mindset; essentially giving athletes the thoughts which serve them instead of falling back on the same thought patterns which keep them stuck.

His athletes are of all levels: from those in their first few weeks of training to competitors at The CrossFit Games. He has spent the last year touring his homeland of the UK and also the rest of Europe, presenting his Mindset Rx’d Seminar to over 500 athletes as well as speaking at the HQ’s of banks, businesses and communities.

His podcast has hosted the biggest names in functional fitness like Kelly Starrett, Carl Paoli and Julien Pineau to more left field examples of success including marketing genius Seth Godin, bestselling author Scott Carney and scientist Dr. Andy Galpin. Tom’s mission is to show athletes their true potential, then give them the tools to achieve it.


Website: https://www.mindsetrxd.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mindsetrxd/

Instagram: @tomfoxley

Podcast: www.mindsetrxd.com/podcast


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