A company dedicated to helping you unleash your human potential


017: I’M STREAKING… a running streak that is!

If you follow me on social media, you already know that I’ve taken on the challenge of streak running and have shared a bunch of videos worth watching.  What that means to me is that I will run every day.  There’s a mininum of 2 miles daily, though most days are much more. At the time of recording this episode I’m up to 109 days… and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.

In conversation with other runners, I realized that consistency and putting the reps in, in anything you do will make you better.  I’ve ran with multiple pro runners that have said they have rand for over 3 years on their personal running streaks including doing ultramarathons during those streaks.

I’ve done 2 ultras while on this 109 day streak, and have another coming up on October 8th in Long Island, NY.  It’s called the Tesla Hertz ultra marathon.  I believe they have a 50 miler, 100 miler, and 150 miler… I signed up for the 150.

Sharing this with you is not meant to impress you.  It’s meant to impress upon you that you are more powerful than you think.  Like David Goggins says, you have to shup up that inner bitch that we all have that’s putting a limit on your what you think is possible, and stopping you from creating the best, most abundant life possible.

Do you want to be better? Healthier? Happier? More Fit? Take action below and start taking those first steps…both literally and figuratively.

So here’s the ask…

  1. Follow me on InstagramFacebook, and Tik Tok.   
  2. Start moving your body 7 days a week (create a minimum effort ie.-walk or run 2 miles)
  3. Share your movement daily on socail media and tag me… you’ll create more awareness of the importance of healthy movement
  4. Start monitoring your results… how you feel, maybe your weight, your head space, and more.  
  5. Do this daily for 30 days and let me know
  6. Lastly… joing our tribe of human powere life heroes to stay connected! 


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