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018: Geeking out on ESS 60 with Christopher Burres


Have you ever met someone and realized… wow, they are an expert in their field? Well, Christopher Burres is that guy.  This is also the first time i learned about ESS60 and between the time we had this interview, Christopher was generous enought to share some ESS60 MyVitalC with me.  I tested it, and it’s awesome.  

I know you’re thinking to yourself, what in the world is ESS60… dive into this episode to learn MORE.  It’s an interesting and unique molecule that can help you do many things in life better… first of all like living longer!  Check out www.MyVitalC.com/HUMANPOWERED to get yours today (and of course with a discount).

Here’s a little bit about our guest:

Chris Burres is a Mechanical Engineer turned Scientist turned Entrepreneur. Using Nobel Prize-Winning chemistry tested by NASA that has been shown to double lifespan in rats, Chris is on a mission to make ESS60 a household name to help people feel healthier, and live beyond the norms one serving at a time.

Part 1


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