A company dedicated to helping you unleash your human potential


195: Get on your Health Kik with Kris Gethin

Kris Gethin is a badass when it comes to fitness… he’s what he calls himself a hybrid athlete… and I must say that he doesn’t make you think of a hybrid Prius when you meet him.  From bodybuilding and strength to an Ironman, this guy has done it all! He’s an unkaged athlete in our book!

I know you will love this episode as much as I did during the recording. Here are Kris’ details:

Kris is an internationally renowned businessman, celebrity trainer, and physique transformation specialist.

Kris is the CEO of Kaged Muscle Supplements, Co-founder Kris Gethin Gyms franchise, founder of Healthkik.com, author, educator, biohacker, and hybrid athlete.

His passion and determination for building a better, stronger, healthier body and mind push him to achieve great things for himself physically and mentally, thus enabling him to motivate and inspire his followers and fans across the world to achieve greatness for themselves. Kris has transformed millions of physiques through his immensely popular video series shown on bodybuilding.com, kagedmuscle.com, and now healthkik.com.

He is the author of many books including the #1 best seller Body by Design, The Adventures KAGED MUSCLE, The Transformer, and Man of Iron, which was released in April 2019. Kris’s books and graphic novels have received global praise and have helped and inspired millions of readers.

Kris aspires to help as many people live a healthy, more fulfilling life by raising the bar on health and fitness education through his books, video trainers, blogs, Youtube videos, and show, The Knowledge and Mileage Podcast.

Sponsored by 30/60/5 Program.  Be stronger than your excuses.  Get more info here->  https://bit.ly/30605health

Check out Kris’ links:

www.healthkik.com (remember to mention Lifestyle Locker Radio to get a free dual shaker, t-shirt, wrist wraps to anyone who signs up for his 12-month subscription)





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How to pick the right Chiro: http://bit.ly/RightChiro

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