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Bestselling author and one of TIME magazine’s 100 Most Influential People on Earth, Dean Karnazes has raced and traveled to all seven continents, twice, including running across Death Valley in the middle of summer, the hottest place on earth, and running a marathon to the South Pole, the coldest place on earth. He serves as a US Athlete Ambassador, has twice carried the Olympic Torch, and is a recipient of the President’s Council on Sports, and recieved the Fitness and Nutrition Lifetime Achievement award.

It was an honor to be able to connect with Dean.  Afterall, I ended up getting his book titled Ultramarathon Man around the year 2006 and no, I didn’t read it.  12 or 13 years later, my parents were cleaning out my old bedroom and making it into a bedroom for my soon to be nephew and gave me a box or stuff.  They said keep it or throw it out… on top of that box was the book Ultramarathon Man.  At this point I had finished either one or 2 ultras and decided to dive in to the book.  I couldn’t put it down.  I think it took me 2 days to go through it.  I ended up getting another one of his books 50/50, and then recently the book A Runners High.  He’s as good a writer as he is a runner.

I was pumped when I asked Dean’s friend Charlie Engle, if he could connect me with Dean… It took about 10 minutes for that to happen and with persistence and ever changing schedules we connected on the podcast.  

I think you will really enjoy the show and you’ll probably go and get a couple of his books.  Connect with him below.

Part 1

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