A company dedicated to helping you unleash your human potential


099: Hacking a 50 mile rucking event in 30 days

This episode is on how I’m hacking a 50-mile ruck in 30 days of training.

Don’t think I’m crazy, I train regularly, but once I decided to do this event, I have only 30 days total to train.

Thoughts and actions had to align, and I had to use everything in my lifestyle toolbelt to make this event a reality!

The good news is that I’ve interviewed a LOT of people that are smarter than me!  I’ve learned and applied LOTS of information so that I’ll be able to accomplish an insanely hard event.

Here’s an overview.  It’s 50 miles of rucking, probably a total of 30 lbs in my rucksack (30lbs over 20 hours max), it starts at 9 pm and finished at 5 pm the next day… at least that’s the cutoff.

So the challenges include, distance, weight over time, and constant moving through the night into the next day.


You can follow the event on Instagram @drjoshhandt on Nov. 2nd, 2018, starting at 9 pm eastern.  I will have to post at all the checkpoints.  I’ll do a FaceBook live following the event to give a breakdown.

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check out our endurance program www.lifestylelocker.com/45dayendurancechallenge

our new program for people wanting to do a 5K will be starting soon… here’s the link that will be used www.lifestylelocker.com/5k



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