A company dedicated to helping you unleash your human potential


The Human Powered Life Podcast

031: Drinking LITEWATER with Victor Sagalovsky

https://www.LifestyleLocker.com/Litewater Our soft spoken guest today is Victor Sagalovsky who is the Co-founder of Litewater Scietific. In this episode you’ll learn that not all water is

028: Ian Mitchell and his Wizard Sciences

https://lifestylelocker.com/ian-mitchell I’m glad you’re reading and hopefully listening to this amaizng episode with Ian Mitchell.  He has a company called Wizard Sciences and I truly

027: Gratitude for YOU

www.LifestyleLocker.com/Gratitude2022 Did you know that the highest energetic frequency is gratitude? Well… it is and I’m grateful for you for giving your valuable time to

024: Shield Your Body with R Blank

https://lifestylelocker.com/shieldyourbody head over to www.ShieldYourBody.com and use code humanpowered to get 15% off of your first order. Whether you know it or not, we’re surrounded by EMF (electro-magnetic frequency)

023: Patrick Porter: inventor of Brain Tap

https://www.LifestyleLocker.com/braintap Dr. Patrick Porter has been talking to my brain for for about a year now.  I’ve been using this amaizng technology to better my

022: Dr. Pete Patitsas and The Athos Diet

https://LifestyleLocker.com/Athosdiet I think we can all agree that good food is good for you.  Food is also nature’s medicine. You’ll love how this emergency room

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