020: Pre 150 mile ultra marathon

https://lifestylelocker.com/pre150 Hey all… not much to wright… it’s better to listen to the show or watch it on www.LifestyleLocker.com . I’m just days away from the 157.2 mile ultra marathon. I’m pumped, nervous, excited and any other emotion that you can think of! This is taking me into the unknown. I hope by listening to this short […]
019: Playing with Money with Andrew Hallam

What a great interesting episode with Andrew Hallam. This guy is so cool! He uses his investments to create money and to create a life of abundance in different areas of his life. For example, he LOVES to travel… the way he creates money, allows him to do what he loves, when he wants too! […]
018: Geeking out on ESS 60 with Christopher Burres

https://www.LifestyleLocker.com/MyVitalC Have you ever met someone and realized… wow, they are an expert in their field? Well, Christopher Burres is that guy. This is also the first time i learned about ESS60 and between the time we had this interview, Christopher was generous enought to share some ESS60 MyVitalC with me. I tested it, and […]
017: I’M STREAKING… a running streak that is!

If you follow me on social media, you already know that I’ve taken on the challenge of streak running and have shared a bunch of videos worth watching. What that means to me is that I will run every day. There’s a mininum of 2 miles daily, though most days are much more. At the time […]
016: EMF ROCKS and Athleticism with Justin Frandson

https://www.lifestylelocker.com/Athleticism I bet you never thought about how your performance can be impacted by things you can’t see. In today’s show, we talk about just that. Justin Frandson is a proponent of helping people unleash their human potential by being HUMAN POWERED. You’re going to love the tools he uses with his clients. I actually […]
015: Ari Tulla and ELO health

After connecting with Ari Tulla, I realized how powerful technology can be for health. With Ari’s background in technology, and enthusiasm for having a great lifestyle, he’s blended the 2 to co-found ELO Health. In this episode you’ll lean some amazing things about how you can harness your own health data to help you make […]
014: Charlie Engle: The Running Man

Meet the RUNNING MAN, Charlie Engle. Charlie and I met on a chance of me sending him a message on social media and hoping to get a response. Not only did I get a response, we go to talk and he was pumped to get on the Human Powered Life Podcast. He even convinced me […]
013: Tracy Gapin: Urologist to Peak Performance

Not to often to medical doctors see eye to eye with natural health doctors like myself as a Chiropractor. Dr. Tracy Gapin is different. With his traditional medical degree along side studying in the natural health field, he’s been able to figure out wayys to help is patients move towards peak performance. You’ll love our […]
012: Gil Blander and the Inside Tracker

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have testing done which would help yout to make better lifestyle choices? When people do blood work at their doctors, they are usually told one of 2 things. First to do nothing, your health, or put you on medication. Frankly, they just look to see […]
011: The Penguin. Movement for Recovery-ULTRA

The PENGUIN, Movement for Recovery 30 HOUR Ultra. This was an amazing journey. One of the most challenging things I’ve done and I’ve done some crazy shit. I’ve ran many ultras ranging from 50k to 100 miles. This was different. It was 30 hours but I wasn’t terribly worried about the time, though it would […]